Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the main Site accessed at ("Site").

We are committed to protecting your privacy and using any personal information you provide responsibly. We believe it is important for you to understand what information we collect from you, how it is used, and who will have access to that information.

The controller of your personal information collected and processed in accordance with this notice is Anatomy Next, Inc., [7484140, 291 Main Street Beacon, NY 12508, USA] ("Anatomy Next, Inc." or "we").

Information collected

When you visit our Site, Anatomy Next, Inc. collects and stores such information that is generally non-personally identifiable information such as:

  • the name of the domain from which you access the internet.
  • online identifiers including cookie data and ip addresses.
  • the date and time you access our site.
  • the internet address of the website from which you linked to our site.
  • anatomylabs usage plan and any interaction with anatomy next, inc.
  • information about the types of devices you are using such as unique device ids, network connection type (e.g. wifi, 3g, lte, bluetooth), provider, network and device performance, browser type, language, information enabling digital rights management, operating system, and anatomylabs application version.
  • your non-precise location, which may be derived or inferred from certain technical data (e.g., your ip address, language setting of your device, or payment currency), to comply with geographic requirements in our licensing agreements, and deliver personalized content and advertising to you.

Please note that the information referred above can become personally identifiable information under certain circumstances and depending on the combination pieces of this information with each other or with any other information.

When you create an account on our Site to sign in and access the full content, Anatomy Next, Inc. collects and stores personally identifiable information such as:

  • username
  • email address
  • phone number
  • birth date
  • gender
  • street address
  • country
  • personalized user content, i.e., profile photo

The aforementioned information is used to ensure identification of users, conclusion of a contract with you, provision of specific services to specific users in accordance with their request as well as for communicating with you in relation to services provided by Anatomy Next, Inc.

When you make a purchase from Anatomy Next, Inc., the following credit card information is collected and stored only for the duration of the sale in order to process your payments:

  • name
  • birth date
  • credit or debit card type, expiration date, and certain digits of your card number
  • postal code
  • mobile phone number
  • details of your purchase and payment history

Your billing and shipping information may be used to provide you with additional product information and offers unless you request not to receive such information.

We might collect your data from third parties in the following cases:

  • authentication partners - if you register for or log into our services using third party credentials (e.g. facebook, google), we will import your information from such third party to help create your account with us.
  • technical service partners - we work with technical service partners that provide us with certain data, such as mapping ip addresses to non-precise location data (e.g., city, state), to enable us to provide the anatomylabs service, content, and features.
  • payment partners - if you choose to pay for a service or feature by invoice, we may receive data from our payment partners to enable us to send you invoices, process your payment and provide you with what you’ve purchased.
  • advertisers and other advertising partners – to provide personalized advertising.

Information disclosure

We may disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to protect the site and our rights, to protect ourselves against liability or prevent fraudulent activity, or where it is necessary to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit any damages that we may sustain.
  • in the event of or in connection with the sale, merger, spin-off, or other corporate reorganization of our corporation, where the information is provided to the new controlling entity in regular course of business.
  • if required to comply with a subpoena or warrant issued or an order made by a court, person, or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information, or to comply with the rules or court relating to the production of records.
  • if we believe in good faith that a law, regulation, rule, or guideline requires it.

Legal bases for processing personal information

Anatomy Next, Inc. collects and otherwise processes your personal information referred above by using the following legal bases:

  • entering into a contract with you and performing said contract (for instance, a user agreement Terms of use) your profile data is processed based on the necessity to perform the contract. please note that if you do not provide us with the information required to provide you with the requested services, anatomy next, inc. will not be able to process your request.
  • statutory requirements. depending on the legal act applicable to anatomy next, inc., we might be required to retain specific documentation and/or information about you (such as for accounting and/or law enforcement purposes).
  • legitimate interests of anatomy next, inc. we may need to collect certain categories of the information referred in this notice to ensure the protection of our or a third party’s legitimate interests. the legitimate interests may include the necessity to ensure our business development, implement our marketing strategy, to comply with requests of authorized third parties, to prove and ensure our compliance with statutory requirements, to protect our property and employees, to ensure security of the site and protection of other users, to ensure evidence in case of a dispute or complaint as well as to protect other legal, financial and security interests.
  • your consent. in certain cases, anatomy next, inc. may collect your personal information based on your consent.

Data retention

Your personal information may be stored in the European Union or United States.

If you are a resident of the European Union or European Economic Zone, Anatomy Next, Inc. will ensure that your personal information will be retained by introducing appropriate mechanisms provided in the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). For example, transfer of your personal information to the United States might be exercised by using standard contractual clauses (Article 46 of the GDPR), Privacy Shield mechanism (Article 45 of the GDPR) or other safeguards such as your consent or performance of a contract (Article 49 of the GDPR). You may obtain additional information by contacting Anatomy Next, Inc. as indicated below in this notice.

In general, and unless indicated otherwise in this notice, Anatomy Next, Inc. will retain your personal information for as long as you use our Service and for the term of the statute of limitations thereafter. However, if required under law, Anatomy Next, Inc. will ensure an appropriate deletion of your personal information as required by applicable laws. In addition, please note that your profile may provide you with the function to amend and / or delete your own information.

Data security

To prevent unauthorized use, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, Anatomy Next, Inc. has put in place appropriate electronic and administrative procedures to safeguard and secure information collected online. Anatomy Next, Inc. is working to meet or exceed the requirements for the 12 Payment Card Industries (PCI) and Data Security Standards to ensure that any data you provide is secure.

Changes to privacy policy

We may change or supplement this Privacy Policy from time to time and we will post revised versions of this Policy on the Site. Privacy Policy changes will apply to the information collected from the date we post the revised Privacy Policy to the Site, as well as to existing information held by us.

California privacy rights

California residents have the right to request the following information from businesses with which they have an established business relationship:

A list of the categories of personal information that a business has disclosed to third parties during the immediately preceding calendar year for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes if any.

The names and addresses of all such third parties if any. Anatomy Next, Inc. will collect your address and zip code to facilitate shipping any products you choose to order. Collection of such information is necessary to complete your order.

If you are an Anatomy Next, Inc. customer and a California resident, please contact us at the / 291 Main Street, Beacon, NY, 12508, USA above to request this information. Please note that we are only required to respond to each client once per calendar year.

European privacy rights

If you are a resident of the European Union or European Economic Area, you have the following data protection rights:

  • right to access your personal information.
  • right to request erasure of your personal information, subject to limitations under law.
  • right to request restriction of the processing of your personal information, for example, if your personal information is not accurate.
  • right to object to processing of your personal information where anatomy next, inc. processes your personal information based on its legitimate interests indicated above.
  • right to request to ensure portability of your personal information.
  • right to withdraw your consent that anatomy next, inc. used as a basis for processing your personal information. such consent withdrawal does not affect lawfulness of processing based on consent express prior to the withdrawal.
  • right to lodge a complaint with any data protection supervisory authority located in the eu.

If you would like to exercise the aforementioned rights, please address Anatomy Next, Inc. by contacting it at